Tuesday 7 April 2009

Castle Museum Project

This was a study of a pair of boots that I produced when beginning to experiment with printmaking techniques. 

Famous Person/Famous Quote Project

For this project i was given a famous quote and a famous person and then was asked to link them in some way.
The person was Gandhi.
The quote was: "Rhythm is something you either have or you don't, but when you have it, you have it all over." 

These are some worksheets brainstorming ideas on how to give Gandhi his groove.

'Notice the Little Things'

This project was about creating a political party.

Initially I wanted to write a manifesto encouraging people to slow down and take the time to notice the little things in life.
Initial ideas worksheets

The project evolved into a celebration of the everyday object.

Pages from exercise book 1

These sketchbooks began to become final pieces in their own right.

Pages from exercise book 2

These two illustrations were made into posters.

Drawing Exercises

For this mini project i made a list of 25 household objects and drew each of them in at least 5 different styles using only black white and beige.

Decades Project

For this project we were each given a decade of the '90s and a famous individual from that decade to research. We were then asked to produce a graphic novel or an animatic giving a feel for that person.

My decade was the '60s and my individual was Fanny Cradock.

Experimenting with animation

Studying form and movement.

This was the final outcome from the project.

I used a typewriter to create the face as they were heavily used in the '60s; Fanny Cradock was also a writer before she became known for cooking. "The Big Time" was a TV program on which she effectively ended her career after insulting an amateur chef.


Experimenting with the Screenprinting process.
The hanging letters make up a QWERTY keyboard.


Experimenting with an old Agfa Isolette II

(Results to be posted up here ASAP)